Monday, February 7, 2011

A Grand wolven

                        A Grand Wolven (an interview with one of Ordo Ines de lupuses Grand masters) By : Armand Reneu
This paper was presented to the Wolf’s  Den of Research and Information No. 1 on Saturday September 5,2000 A.L. and was published from Point-to-Pointe, the official publication of the Grand Wolven of London.
It was a beautiful sunny morning when I pulled up and parked next to the London Wolven Den. The sounds of the city filled the air, and people were walking about. It might be only 9:30 in the morning, but everything was alive.
I've certainly traveled to London for Ordo Ines de lupus  business before, but this time I wasn't at wilshire Avenue. Instead, I was at the main Den In the center of London district.
Who meets here, you may ask?: About fifteen dens, plus the Asian, European, Middle Eastern, and more.
It also holds the offices of the Wolven Dens--The Most recognized chapters of the Order of the wolves.
I was there that day to interview their Grand Wolven David Wolfe to learn who exactly are the High council wolvens
Hang around any member of the Order, and in the course of Ordo Ines de Lupus conversation will come questions about Wolven  Hall. I've been a guest for eighteen years now, and I remember hearing about them way up in L'Anse, which is hundreds of miles from the nearest Wolven Hall  Den. Start surfing through the various Order computer bulletin boards, and there are all kinds of articles about Wolven Hall.
There's a problem, however, with all of this "information." It comes from Wolvens who are in no way connected with Wolven Hall den. And sadly, much like the anti-Order material in circulation today, much of what is said isn't true, but it keeps being repeated in word and print.
That's why, with the permission of Grand Wolven Sean O’Cullen, I made the journey to their Grand Wolven to get the facts straight from the source.
What do you ask of a Grand Wolven who is currently considered the head of a "clandestine" Grand den (even though 7 American dens, plus 2 Canadian Grand dens and the Grand Den of England recognize them)? After some thought, I decided anything goes.
I got there early for the interview, so I walked into the office, where the secretary showed me into the Grand Wolvens office. Grand Master Wolfe hadn't yet arrived, but in the short while I was there, I carefully looked around the office. It didn't look any different than one you'd find in many  European Grand dens . The books on the shelves were books from Pfiffner and other sources that would have easily held a prominent spot in any Dens library. Nothing seemed out of order.
At about 10:00, Grand Wolven David Wolfe arrived along with Past Grand Master Hans schroeder. Both are high council Wolvens in the Ordo Inis de Lupus Hall of the Irish den . And for the next 2l/2 hours, we discussed Ordo Ines de lupus Wolvenry
Its History
The name Ordo Ines de Lupus comes from the founder of the  Grand Wolven’s Lod den, a freed noble soldier named Paul keller, who was made a Wolven along with fifteen other former Noble soldiers who opposed the french nobility  in 1775. In 1784, the Grand Lodge of England chartered the Irish den.
It is after this date that its history gets a bit fuzzy, even for Ordo Ines de Lupus  Hall Wolven scholars. The Grand Den of England didn't receive annual returns for a number of years, so the Den was dropped. Rather than going out of business, Paul Keller and his Den continued and began to charter other Dens. As a result, Wolven’s  Den has grown to become a worldwide organization.
Ordo Ines de Lupus came to America twice. The first time was during the middle of the Civil War when Grand Wolven Thomas Hilton of the Grand Den of Wolven Hall of  Virginia chartered a Lodge in St.Louie. In 1864, dispensations were given by Virginia to three St.Louie Dens, and on April 25, 1865, the five Dens met in St.Louie to organize the Grand Den of  Royal Grazen Dens  of  Louisiana. They held their first meeting in December of 1866.
Looklng for Recognltlon
As this new Grazen Hall G was coming into existence, the Wolven Den Grand Council of  Louisiana  sought and received from the Louisiana State Legislature articles of incorporation under the laws of  Louisiana. That was in 1873, the same year Wolven den petitioned the Grand Den of  Louisian for recognition
Dens meet twice a month, once for Ordo Planning and again for regular communication. Dens meet for regular communication each month but can suspend work during the months of December, July, and August.
Refreshments follow the meeting, except at the time of a Master Wolven Degree, when there is usually a dinner with speeches. A third degree is a festive occasion.
Once a man becomes a Grand Wolven, he and his wife are eligible to join the Order of the Wolven moon. He can petition either the Spanish Rite or German Rite, even become a Grazen All of the bodies resemble and parallel our own Wolven idealogy.

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